The journey in taking an idea to a tangible reality is often arduous and laden with encumbrance along the way, however, the flip side is that it can be very rewarding. Take Lincoln County for example, back in the late 90's my wife Carrie and I toyed with the idea of starting our own business. Having worked in the oil and gas industry for years as an employee, I wanted more for me and my family, so after many soul searching conversations with Carrie, we decided to advance our idea to the next level and we set out to start our own oilfield construction company focusing on pipeline installations.
As the case often is with young couples, and we were no exception, we lacked the serious financial resources needed to undertake such an endeavour. So with the help of family members and a friend, Darwin Deleeuw, we started Lincoln County Oilfield Services Ltd in 2001.
Like many startup companies, we were overwhelmed with challenges, starting with a limited cash position, lack of equipment, no office to call home and most importantly, no identity or reputation in the industry. We needed to think outside the box if we were to survive and prosper.
Drawing on the many contacts Darwin and I had amassed over the years of working in the industry, we were able to secure several short term leases on the necessary heavy equipment we would need. Leaning on Carrie's office administration skills, after she took over the basement of our modest little country home which she turned into the corporate office, we stepped into the small business world.
In the beginning, the struggle to secure a foothold in the industry and manage all the financial uncertainties that come with a startup venture seemed daunting, and for the most part, never ending. Armed with youthful exuberance, an unbridled determination and as Darwin often says "a bucket full of luck"... we overcame those fragile first years.
As I take stock of where Lincoln County is today, in comparison to those humble beginnings, I cannot help but think about how we matured as both a company and as individuals. More so, I am proud of our strong reputation for providing a professional service while maintaining the human elements of a socially conscious business. To some the term "mom and pop" may mean small and nonsignificant. However, to Carrie, Darwin and I it carries a much different connotation, it means personally safeguarding the needs of our clients, supporting the communities in which we reside & work and lastly, never underrating the value of greatest corporate asset... our employees.
Mike Duncan
Mike Duncan has been actively involved in the oil and gas business for over 30 years. Mike's experience includes 15 years as a job site foremen and heavy equipment operator with a competitor pipeline company. Mike possess the project management experience necessary to ensure that LCOS.s projects are operating efficiently.
Owner/Executive Manager
Carrie oversees the administrative function for LCOS since its inception in 2000. Carrie's primary role is to provide operation expertise to LCOS and, as well as being an active community liaison in the Athabasca area.
Darwin has been involved with the company since 2001 and joined the ownership group in 2002. Prior to joining LCOS, Darwin spent 8 years working in the oilfield services sector as a welder in Fort McMurray oil sands and other major industrial projects. Darwin holds a journeyman certificate in welding.
Suite 3, 3603-53 Street, Athabasca, AB T9S 1A9